Devin & I

Devin & I

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Fall 2016

I love fall.  It is by far my favorite season.  I especially love when the colors in the trees start to change.  It’s not even just the trees, I love when the foliage turns color.  September 09-10, we went to the Uinta Mountains.  We tagged along with Devs family. We stayed in Evanston WY.   When we got there, we decided that we were going to go and swim while Jedd and LaDawn went to Walmart to grab a couple of snacks.  Me, being the girl that I am, (with long hair) didn’t want to get my hair wet.. I would just have to wash it, and it takes way to freaking long.  So I decided I was going to get in the hot tub.  Dev and Derik got in the pool and by the way that they were acting and the sounds coming out of their mouths, it was not a warm pool.  Since I get so cold anyways, I am so glad I didn’t get it in!  When we went back up to the hotel room (we had 2 rooms that were conjoined), Derik put his swim trunks on top of the shelf in the bathroom and when he pulled them down, a condom wrapper fell down...**insert embarrassed emoji** Gratefully it was JUST the wrapper! I was laughing so hard, which made it even funnier because the situation really wasn’t that funny... -- The next morning we got up and went to go and look for..guess what? MOOSE! Haha what else would I be waking up so early for? We’re driving and driving looking for moose, we had to turn around to make a couple of pit stops.  When we were heading back into the park, a BULL moose was running through the field right by the ranger station.  We finished taking pictures of him, we kept on driving.  We decided to turn around cause we wanted to go get a pop when a cow moose ran right in front of us! She was HUGE!! After we finished driving through the mountains, we went to go check on the bull moose.  Since we knew he had bedded down for the day, we knew he’d be there again.  Well guess what.. haha we found 2 more moose with him! One was a little bull with cute little antlers.  It was so cute.  After we finished taking pictures of them we decided to head on home.  On our way home, we got right in the middle of the biggest sheep herd I have ever seen.  HOLY COW! –well I guess, HOLY SHEEP!

Back to fall.  I really love when the leaves are turning color.  September 21st (first day of fall..) Derik, Devin and I took a trip up to Tony’s Grove.  It was gorgeous! Red is my favorite color of tree and the canyon did not disappoint! The biggest storm of the year decided to hit, right after we got home.  I was so afraid that it was going to knock down all the leaves!  September 24th we took a ride back up there with Devins grandparents and his mom.  Surprisingly, it was just as beautiful.  Except we had a little extra surprise.  SNOW! Ugh. Do not get me started with snow.  D and I went to Walmart before the drive and THEY HAD CHRISTMAS STUFF UP!!!! How am I supposed to enjoy Thanksgiving, when I get so excited about Christmas?! I am not happy.  Oh well.  I’m going to make myself enjoy Thanksgiving, my family, and the beauty of fall.
**enjoy some pictures**

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Allie & Sean wedding - Labor Day Weekend 09/01/2016-09/05/2016

I love Labor Day weekend.  Who doesn’t love a 3 day weekend?  This year the members of the Jackson family, got a FOUR day weekend.  Thursday night, Devin and I went to the first USU football game of the year.  We played Weber.  We won! Woohoo!  I thought that it was going to be blazing hot.  But it was quite the opposite.  When you looked out around the valley, it looked horrendous.  It was all black; you couldn’t even see the Wellsville’s.  Of course, it also rained.  It seems like you can’t go to one football game without it raining, or the wind blowing. The football game was a great way to start off our 4 day weekend.

Allie and Sean decided that they liked each other enough that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.  September 2, 2016 they got sealed for time and all eternity in the Logan Utah temple.  It was a really beautiful day.  We had to be to the temple by 9:30 AM.  That wasn’t too bad.  We saw a member from our bishopric there, watching their niece get sealed.  Pictures were fun.  Allie and Sean both have big families, so it was big group of people. They both looked beautiful. (is that an appropriate word for a dude?)  We went to the church house right next to South Cache in Hyrum and had the luncheon at the pavilion there.  It was really good food.  BBQ sandwiches, corn on the cob, chips, salads, desserts and homemade root beer.    The reception was held and my mom and dad’s house.  It was really, really beautiful outside.  Devin, Aunt Shelley, and I prepared most of the food for the ice-cream bar.  They cut the cake, had a dance and we sent them on their way! Poor Dev scooped ice-cream for about 2 ½ hours.  I kept offering to switch him and I would scoop for a little while, but he said he has ‘farm hands’ so he can handle it.  J Also, him and Tinzlee have become BFFs.  Tinzlee would just sit there on the kitchen floor by D and not make a peep! It was so cute to see him talk to her.  Bry was having so much fun too.  He played all day with Aunt Lindsie.  Running around, he had the whole upstairs to himself to just play!

Saturday morning Dev was up bright and early for college football!! He has seriously been counting down the days until football.  I think he has a slight problem because of how much he loves football… haha J Well at about 9 AM we were up talking to grandma and grandpa about the wedding when all of a sudden we hear the most horrific sound I have ever heard in my entire life.  Metal on metal, going really fast.  There was a wreck right outside, on the corner.  A truck with a horse trailer (2 horses inside) and a small SUV.  It was the most horrific sound I have ever heard. Ugh! Everyone from every direction went running.  They got the horse trailer open and the girl who was in the truck got one horse out.  I took the horse and her over to the pasture across the street from Jedd and LaDawns.  The second horse was pinned, and to be honest, from my angle it looked like it had been cut in half.. I took the girl away from there because I didn’t want her to see her own horse hurt, if it was.  Gratefully and miraculously, it was okay.  Both horses came out with just minor scratches on their legs.  All humans were okay, a little shaken, but okay. -- PLEASE watch your traffic signs.  They are there for a reason.  The yield sign is there for a reason.  Stop signs are there for a reason.  And yes, if you have the right away that’s fine, but you do not need to be going more then what the city speed limits indicate.  If you are speeding and are hit, even if the other party was in the wrong, so are you! Two days later on the EXACT same corner, a kid in our ward had to lay down his motorcycle to avoid being hit because someone ran the yield sign.  They didn’t stop or anything.  I’ve said this many times and I will continue to say it.  If you are being distracted by something that you know can wait..and then you hit me or someone that I love, you best be prepared to have your faced ripped off.  With love of course, but ripped off none the less. J That night we went to the rodeo with my family.  It was so much fun! Except, GUESS WHAT!? A HORSE DIED!!! Devin and I had to leave a little early because his allergies were sooo bad.  Kendal calls me like literally 10 minutes after I get home and says: “you totally just missed it.  A horse was pulling a sleigh, fell over, pinned a girl and just died.” WHAAAT?!  So much horse accidents in one day.  I think I would have had a panic attack if I had seen it! I hope that the poor girl isn’t traumatized. 

Sunday was beautiful.  It was nice and relaxing.  D and I got new callings.  – More info on that to come.  We took a nice 2 ½ hour nap.  It was delightful. 

Founder’s Day – I love Founder’s Day.  Founder’s Day is the celebration that Wellsville has every Labor Day.  The name speaks for itself.  It’s the day that Wellsville was founded. Haha and we celebrate! We have a parade every year, the Sham Battle, (Cowboys and Indians fight) booths, and food! Grandma LaRee and Grandpa Donald were the ‘Sweetheart Couple’ of Wellsville this year. Krystal and Justin Fabricius (Devin’s cousins) were in the parade also.  Jedd’s family came out to the parade to see it and then after we went out to lunch just the 7 of us. (Jedd, LaDawn, Derik, gpa Donald, gma Ree, Devin, and I) We went to Sizzler.  It was alright.  My steak tasted a little bit like propane, but whatever.  It was still good J I am literally so grateful that we live in the town that we live in.  Wellsville is such a great community.  The people are the sweetest.  I love Wellsville. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Jackson Hole August 26-28, 2016

Derik, Devin and I decided that we wanted to go to Jackson Hole.  (Surprise, right?) I feel like Devin and I are there all the time.  Which is fine.  One day maybe we will retire there. Haha.  What a beautiful weekend!! Everyone has really seen all of my posts from each trip that we go on, so it really isn’t anything different.  This time though we slept at The Virginian Lodge.  It was…alright.  Since there were three of us, we needed two beds.  WELL…. They were two full beds.  Devin and I got awfully close that weekend.  But of course, I didn’t mind. :)

Friday night, when we pulled into Jackson, we went directly to Moose-Wilson road.  Boy am I glad we did! We got past Teton Village and into the park and what do we see?? THREE BEAR!! A mama and two cubs! Ohh they were soo cute! Derik was trying to find it and he looked out his window and there it was! He could have touched it.  We had to keep driving per the park ranger because it was moving.  Dev flipped the car and we went back.  Most of this trip I rode with my head sticking out the sunroof.  I could hear the bears in the tree’s but couldn’t see them.  I finally spotted them and D turned around again so we could hopefully get some pictures.  This time the ranger STOPPED us.  RIGHT THERE BY THE BEARS! She thought that they were going to cross the road again so she made us stop.  We had 10 glorious minutes to sit and watch/take pictures of these cute little creatures.  See picture below:

It got dark pretty quickly and of course when you go to Jackson with us, you know you won’t get much sleep because you’ll be awake at the butt-crack of dawn.  Which we were.  6 AM came quite early for me.  That’s earlier than what I get up for to go to work.  We have been following a blog – -  This guy takes pictures every day during the summer/fall in Jackson Hole.  He puts where he finds the animals and what the animals are.  We’ve been following him, follow Custer.  Custer is a beautiful bull moose.  Saturday morning we got up bright and early and away to Gros Ventre we went! (it’s a road..and its its pronounced “grow-vont” – we were told that we were saying it wrong…) We found 3 moose right off the bat.  It was early and we were still half Derik see’s them and was like, ‘are those cows?’ haha it was funny.  You had to be there.  Devin could see more moose closer to the we decided to head there very first.  (I didn’t get a picture of the first 3 that we saw..) There he was! Mr. Custer himself!  He was so beautiful! We saw him with 2 cow moose.  We stayed there for quite a while just watching him.  We moved on to Schwabacher’s Landing.  There were more moose along the Gros Ventre raod, couple calves with their moms. We got to Schwabacher’s and walking down there when a nice guy told us that there were 5 moose down about a ¾ of a mile.  We got there just in time to see their cute little bums.  Haha.  Derik saw all five, Dev saw 4 and I saw the bums of 2 calves.  We were told that there was a mom and a calf trying to come into the territory of another mom with 2 calves and she wasn’t having any of it.  So they chased off the mom and calf.  We really didn’t see a whole lot more during the day.. A lady told us that the 5 moose have been there for the last 5 days.  So we knew exactly where we would be the next morning!  We really didn’t see much more until that night.  We saw one more bear.  But like the first 3 moose, we only saw it for a second.  We drove back and forth on Moose-Wilson road just trying to find it.  Dev and I saw its cute little face but then it disappeared.  We did some shopping.  I got a cute little salt and pepper shaker that sits behind a moose and then of course I added to my cookie cutter collection.  I got a moose face! It’s adorable.  Moose cookies will be coming soon.  Sunday we found Mr. Custer again.  This time he was with three cows and we were able to get really close.  Oh my goodness I just love moose so much.  I can’t wait until we have our own house then I can add little moose accent’s here and there.  We went back and found the 5 moose at Schwabacher’s Landing.  We got there in time to see the mom with one calf go and get a drink.  Beautiful reflection of her in the water.  Ugh.  Finally, after mentally crying and throwing a tantrum, I agreed to go home.  I love Jackson.. and of course we are going back, in October! -09/06/2016 
For more pictures, check out my facebook album here