Devin & I

Devin & I

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October 2016

So the beginning of October, we took our annual Jackson trip with Devs family.  October 8th (Friday) I didn’t go to work.  I stayed home to clean the house a little bit and finish packing.  We left at about 12 o’clock.  We drove out to Star Valley  -- we had tickets to go through the open house for the new Star Valley Temple.  It. Was. Beautiful.  Santa vaca! I couldn’t even believe how pretty it was on the inside.  The pictures, the chandeliers (made to look like wagon wheels) the sealing room, everything was gorgeous!! I couldn’t even believe it. 

After we left Star Valley we finished the trip to Jackson.  We got there just in time to go for our first ride to look for animals.  That night we saw a bull moose and a cow moose on the Moose-Wilson road.  Then we saw 2 more cows and a bull along the Gros Ventre River.  They are such beautiful animals.  – this trip I felt like I didn’t get as many pictures as I wanted because we were driving to different places.  We went to our hotel and checked in for the night.

Saturday we got up bright and early and made it to the Gros Ventre campground before the sun came up.  There were a bunch of moose! We drove around all day. So there really isn’t a whole lot to write about.  It was just like every other trip.  The difference this time though, was we saw quite a bit more elk.  Normally we see cow elk, but not a lot of bull elk.  Saturday we saw 3! They are just as pretty as moose in my opinion.  Total Saturday we saw: 3 bull moose. 6 cow moose. 3 bull elk. Multiple cow elk.  One of the bull elk that we saw was inside the Teton National Park loop.  You could tell he was a little bit beat up and that he was on the move fast.  He had a patch of skin that was pulled off.  But he was big!

Sunday we did a quick animal run.  We saw 2 bull moose, 2 cow moose, and 2 bull elk.  Sundays are hard.  We’re always soo excited to go to Jackson and then before you know it we’re back home getting ready to go to work again.  It was still really enjoyable and I’m glad that we were able to spend that time with Devin’s Family. 

D and I celebrated 3 years on the 18th!! WOW!! I can't believe I have been with him for this long.  I just absolutely love and adore him to pieces.  He took me to Chili's for dinner - he enjoyed their skillet mashed potatoes, steak and broccoli.  I had their Caribbean salad.  Both were delish.  After we enjoyed the Salted Carmel Lava Cake.  OH. MY GOSH.  If you want to taste a piece of heaven, I suggest going to Chilies RIGHT NOW and ordering that.  It is divine.  After he took me home were we watched our Tuesday night shows.  NCIS and Bull.  What a lovely day!

The rest of our October has been pretty normal.  We took family pictures with my family on the 15th.  That is always a pleasant experience.. haha.  Our freedom from cows is about over.  They’ll be coming home from Dry Lake soon.  Friday the 28th we preg checked them.  (make sure they got pregnant)  that was wet and cold.  We were lucky enough to have it rain almost the entire time we were there! Haha lucky us huh — Later that night I went to a Halloween party with my parents ward.  Got to see my cute niece and nephew! Oh my goodness I just love them so much it’s not even funny.  Saturday the 29th we had a party with Devin’s cousins.  We carved pumpkins, ate chili and played Telestrations. On Halloween my mom put together a trunk or treat at the Wellsville Dam.  Everyone that came donated a dollar to support Tyler and Jenna Willets.  They were in a big accident in the middle of September.  If you haven’t read that story, you can find it here.
Devin decided he wanted to go as a farmer – which means he brought the tractor as our car.  He made a best friend that night.  We met a little autistic boy who we will call “C” for privacy.  He absolutely loved the tractor.  Devin let him sit in the buddy seat and C had a blast.  C went trick or treating around the parking lot and then came and sat with me in the bucket for the remainder of the time. 

I can’t believe how fast the time is flying! Pretty soon we will be in 2017.  Looking forward to making November and December great.

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