Devin & I

Devin & I

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Hellllooo SPRING! Yesterday was the start of spring! (March 20th)  What a beautiful day it was.  I went to work without a jacket -- which is quite strange for me.  I'm usually wearing a jacket into June.  (Today is a different story.  It's supposed to storm - so I wore my winter coat! lol) Sometime last week Devin and I whipped out his portable grill that he got for graduation and grilled hamburgers.  We had some left over buns, so we grilled hotdogs last night and put it on a hamburger bun.  Saturday we bought a cute little bench to sit out on our front porch.  (I'm still working on the post about the house.  It might just be a picture post. :) We sat out on the porch while eating dinner and just watched the beauty and listened to the birdies.  Devin and I love going on walks during the summer.  Summer is our escape from life! Going up to Dry Lake (the family farm in Sardine Canyon) and farming, riding tractors and four wheelers, doing something with the cows, is just so relaxing to us.  Anyways.. back to real life here..

SPRING HAS SPRUNG!  Since yesterday was the first day of spring, D and I decided to do something with our garden.  It looked like a disaster.  The owners before us had two large rows of raspberries.  His wife got sick and he spent a lot of time last year taking care of her.  Because of that, the raspberries were a little bit neglected.  BUT WE SAVED THEM.  Ok, that's kind of over exaggerating.  They weren't THAT bad.  Just a little bad.  D and I have never had our own garden before, so we invited his grandparents over to help us do a little trimming.  His grandparents have a raspberry patch as big as one our rows.  Yes, I said one.  We decided that since usually grandma's raspberries take care of his whole family, our one row will be plenty.  So we trimmed them up nicely and will take the remaining row out another day.  It was such a beautiful night!

Grandpa had bought some clothes line wire for me to put on my clothes line ( I LOVE hanging up my sheets and towels) and I have a lilac tree that kind of blocks the clothes line pole and our dog run. We decided to keep on trimming!  What a beautiful night it was to do all of that yard work!

So grateful for the opportunity that D and I have to be able to try and grow our own garden.  We are very blessed with the land that we have and the ability to have a garden lot so near to our home. 

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