Devin & I

Devin & I

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

June 4- June 10

Y’all—I am tired! To be honest with you, I really don’t even know how I made it through last week.  My mom and dad left for Mexico, leaving Jason and Lindsie home alone.  I had cookies that I had to make, (and remake because I’m a ding dong and messed them up! Ugh.) hospital visits, work and life like normal too. I think I took a two hour nap on Saturday AND Sunday.  Let me tell you though, it was magical. 

Monday was a regular day.  Almost.  We went and had dinner for my dad’s birthday. (48—holla!) and hung out with them since Kendal would be going to KY for the summer.  I am totally blaming my pregnancy for how much I cried Monday night.  Devin will tell you that it’s just who I am.  But it can’t all be me…right? Pregnancy has to be an explanation too…RIGHT?  I’m going with it.  I bawled allllllllllll night long.  I constantly have these conversations in my head that go something like: “He’ll be ok, right? YES YOU DING DONG.  HE IS FREAKING 18 YEARS OLD.  Yes, I understand that…but he’s really not old enough to be doing this on his own.. HE IS 18. HE IS TECHNICALLY AN ADULT.  So? He’s still my baby brother.  HE IS FINE. HE WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF.  But he’s so tender hearted! He’ll get picked on! HE’S NOT GOING TO BE PICKED ON. HE’S OVER 6 FT TALL. HE’LL BE FINE YOU BIG BABY”. ---that’s the literal conversation I had with myself until like 11:30 that night. Poor D just looks at me and says “you’re going to make me and our children miserable, aren’t you?” haha…its not like I’m trying to be overprotective and obnoxious. It’s just who I am!   

Tuesday morning we get a phone call that Dev’s brother, Derik, is in the hospital and is going to have his appendix removed.  Poor kid.  Been there, done that!  Devin didn’t know when he’d be going into surgery, so we left pretty early that morning.  I don’t even think I brushed my hair until I got to work. But hey, at least it got brushed!  We were supposed to be leaving on Friday morning to go to Yellowstone, but with Derik’s surgery, obviously that didn’t happen.  He ended up having his gallbladder AND appendix removed.  His appendix was swollen and he had a ½ inch stone in his gallbladder.  Poor kid has been struggling with his gallbladder for a few years now.  Hopefully he continues to heal quickly!

Wednesday doesn’t seem all that stressful, but it kind of was!  My cute neighbor hired me to make sugar cookies for her sister’s wedding that was that Saturday.  I started on Monday night and I knew it would take me a couple nights to get them frosted/decorated.  Well Tuesday night I was so frazzled that long story short, I messed up like 20 of my cookies! GRR! I was so frustrated! Let me tell you, that was a huge lesson on patience.  Had I just waited for Devin to help me move the table instead of dragging it by myself and making my cookies look like an old wrinkly forehead, I wouldn’t have had to MAKE A WHOLE NEW BATCH OF COOKIES AND REFROST THEM.  To say I was upset at myself was an understatement.  I always tell Devin that EVERYTHING happens for a reason!  When I realized I had ruined my cookies, I was trying so hard to figure out why that happened for a reason. Well, it turns out that not going to Yellowstone made it so I had another day to let my cookies dry completely.  Making it possible for me to have them done in time like I promised!

Thursday again doesn’t seem that bad.  But I was up until 1130 putting the finishing touches on those sugar cookies to make sure they’d be dry in time to take them over on Friday.  Being pregnant and bending over to frost cookies for 4 hours, is a little bit exhausting.  Thankfully I have the best husband in the entire freaking universe that helped me out with house work and yard work AND still managed to do his responsibilities up at Dry Lake and around the barn.  I sure love him.

Friday night I took those cookies over to my neighbor and finally got to relax a little bit.  My family has had Friday night pizza night for as long as I can remember.  Since mom and dad were in Mexico, D didn’t want J and L to go without pizza, so he bought them Papa Murphy’s!  DELICIOUS!  I love their pizza.  At this stage in my pregnancy though, I think I’d love any pizza.. Devin left work a little early to go finish cutting some hay.  Since he left work early, and I didn’t have cookies to do, it was nice to be home at the same time and enjoy time with him.  Also – I mailed Kendal his first package haha!  He didn’t even make it a week… I had some extra cookies so I mailed them to KY for him to enjoy, along with a mini pool game, water balloons, and water balls.  Hopefully he can find some time to hang out at a pool!
On a side note—Devin and Lindsie both felt the baby kick today.  I’ve never seen someone as weirded out as Lindsie was.  It was so cute haha.  Growing up, us older kids always would feel mom’s tummy when she was pregnant, but where Lindsie was the last one, she never really got that opportunity.  The look on her face was priceless!

Saturday Devin did some work down at the barn.  I didn’t get to go grocery shopping on Friday so I went Saturday morning.  NEVER AGAIN.  What a nightmare.  Why is it that every store in the universe thinks that its ok to have FOUR registers open on the busiest day of the week?!  I do not understand it.  I wanted to spend a little bit more time with Jason and Lindsie, so do you know what we did?  We made cookies! Haha.  Obviously making 72 sugar cookies earlier this week wasn’t enough, so I thought we should make some more.  Gratefully, these were just good ol’ fashioned chocolate chip cookies. 

Sunday was a good day.  As mentioned above, I took a nap and it was so delightful.  I think my body finally caught up to me.  I don’t do well on little sleep.. so going to bed at almost 1130 every night and then waking up for work was a little rough on me.  But I made it!  J and L came and had Sunday dinner with us and we enjoyed it.  

 My cute butter dish that mom and dad brought home from Mexico!  Kendal and I :) 

 Kendal and I.  Making chocolate chip cookies

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