Devin & I

Devin & I

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

July 2018

A lot has happened in the last month!  Which also explains why I have not had any time to do a new post.  The week of July 4th, I ended up going to my foot doctor because I’d been having this awful pain on the top of my right foot.  We spent the weekend of June 30th in Idaho with my grandparents and when we were out shopping with my parents, it was almost unbearable to just walk.  Since we were going back to Idaho Falls for July 4th, I knew we’d be walking around a lot and I just knew in my soul I had broken my foot.  I went to my foot doctor and sure enough, I had a stress fracture.  UGH!  He didn’t want to do an x-ray where I’m pregnant, so just from what he could feel on the top of my foot and the pain I was having, he put me in a boot.  That thing was so obnoxious!! I wore that stupid thing for 4 weeks like I was supposed to.  I am very thankful that everything is looking good on it now.  I’m finally able to go on a normal walk without hobbling around town. 

July was filled with hay cutting and fence fixing.  I sure love going to Dry Lake.  I had had enough of not being able to go to Drylake that I ended up wrapping my boot in a garbage bag and going up anyways.  It was so beautiful!! I had to be really careful during the first couple of weeks of July.  Our house didn’t have AC so it got hot, which made me swell.  Because I had to have the boot tightly wrapped on my leg, it would cause some extra swelling.  Again, thankfully everything worked out great!

Since July 24th is a holiday here in Utah, and it was on a Tuesday, Devin and I decided to take Monday off of work and have an extra-long weekend.  It was so nice!  When we got married, we stayed at the Anniversary Inn in Salt Lake.  We bought a certificate that would expire in 5 years.  Back before I had the job that I have now, I worked a lot of weekends, so this certificate was only good on weekdays.  Well, long story short, here we are 5 years later, certificate about to expire, and we haven’t used it yet!  Now that I work weekdays, we took this “long weekend” as an opportunity to use it.  We left Sunday night and stayed in the Lighthouse Suite.  It was a cool room!  The bed was very uncomfortable, but oh well! 

The next weekend, Devin’s grandparents took us to a cabin for a night in the Uintas.  It’s always so gorgeous up there.  It was much, much greener then it was down here.  We ended up seeing 4 moose in total! 3 cows and a calf.  “Moose seeing” (as I like to call it) isn’t as fun in the Uintas as it is in Jackson Hole.  People don’t pull over to stop and take pictures, nor do the slow down!  I really didn’t even use my camera, which in a way was nice too.  It’s always nice to just enjoy the beauty and nature that God has given to us.  The cabins that we stayed in are always nice.  It had a big deck off the back so we could go out and just sit and enjoy the pretty view.  Boy was it pretty!  We saw a mama deer with 2 fawns cross the river.  We decided to go on a ride about 10-15 minutes later and ended up seeing the same mama and fawns cross the road a couple miles from the cabin.  Man they move quick!!  It was nice to be able to spend some time with D’s family.

August 2nd my parents decided to take the 2 littles camping.  They just went up the Cub River road up Logan Canyon and parked their trailer up there.  Devin and I had to work on Thursday, so Friday after work we met my parents up at the camping spot and ate dinner with them.  We played horse shoes (I’m better at that game than I thought!), ate a delicious meal, and cooked s’mores!  Devin and I were feeding all my parents animals for them, so we just went home after rather than sleeping over.

Sunday, August 5th, we had a nice little surprise!  My little brother has been doing summer sales in Kentucky since the beginning of June.  We were down eating lunch after church with Devin’s family when I heard my mom’s truck pull away from their church. (Mom and dad’s ward goes to the church just next to grandma and grandpas house.)  I texted her to see if she was okay because I found it kind of strange that she was leaving in the middle of sacrament meeting.  After a while I got a text from my dad saying that his car wasn’t broken and to be honest, I was so confused! But then the picture came in and it was a picture of mom and Kendal standing on the front porch!  Kendal wasn’t supposed to come home until August 20th!  The little butt surprised us. Dad told mom that he had to go into work (which does happen sometimes) and when he was coming home he texted mom and said that he coasted down the canyon hill to the park and ride because his car died.  Turns out, he was at the airport picking up Kendal!   He wanted to spend the last month before his mission at home with family. *heart eyes* I was quite surprised that Devin knew about it and he didn’t tell me!  Devin and I have a really hard time keeping secrets from each other.  Not that that’s a bad thing, but it can make things like birthdays and Christmas a little difficult.  I started to freak out when I got the picture of K being home and Devin came running in the living room and was just smiling.  I could just tell that he knew and he knew that I knew that he knew.  (Say that 10 times fast!) He’s known since the MIDDLE OF JULY.  I honestly don’t even know how he kept that.  It’s been nice having K home.  Except I think I’m going to get attached to him being here that it will make it really difficult come September 5th.  Oh well, guess we’ll see.


We had our latest baby appointment on August 9th.  I had to take the dreaded glucose test.  What that means is they are just testing me to see if I have gestational diabetes.  They give you a drink that is full of a bunch of sugar and then exactly one hour later, they do blood work.  Whatever they are looking for in your blood, it gives you a number.  Depending on how high your number is, you may have to do the drink again, but then have your blood tested every 3 hours.  (You ‘fast’ during those hours.) If you test positive for gestational diabetes after that, then you become high risk and will be watched a little more carefully as it could really affect both you and your baby. 

Back to the drink—they gave me the drink at my July appointment.  It had been staring at me in the fridge for a month, almost like it was taunting me!  I was hoping for a little bit of a good flavor with the drink, but I was honestly expecting to gag.  A lot of people too say that it tastes like a flat orange soda.  To me it tasted more like an orange otter pop that had a burning aftertaste. (It’s an orange drink, in case you didn’t know.)  It honestly wasn’t bad at all!  I went to my doctor, had my blood drawn, listened to baby’s heartbeat, and moved on!  I ended up getting a call from my doctor.  Whenever the doctor’s office calls me, it scares me to death!  I did pass my glucose test, however I am anemic.  All that means is that my red blood cells are low which can be common.  They just want me to be on an iron supplement for the rest of my pregnancy.  

Since I have officially reached my third trimester, I get to go to the doctor more often!  I’m going to start going every two weeks.  Once we reach 36 weeks, I will go weekly until our little guy is here!  It’s getting so close!  When people ask how much longer I have, it feels shorter if I say 11 weeks versus 2 ½ months.  I don’t know why it sounds better/shorter to me. Haha! I have finally got most of his nursery put together.  It is honestly my favorite room in the house.  It has more decorations than any other room in the house.  I’m just waiting on a couple of decorations that I’ve ordered online to show up and then we will be all set to go!  My baby shower is in a week from Saturday and honestly I am just so excited.  What an exciting time in Devin and I’s life.  We are so incredibly blessed for the love and support from our family and friends.  We couldn’t be more grateful to have this little boy coming into our lives. 

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