They say these things come in threes. I wanted to write this while it was still fresh on mind. Two weeks after we buried Jared, I found out I was pregnant. We’ve been trying since June 2020. Honestly, I didn’t even know if I was pregnant because those tests are so dang hard to read! I had a 2nd line on one of them, but the ClearBlue digital test came back negative. I was so dang confused! I took those on Wednesday the 27th. On the 29th, I went grocery shopping and I just had a feeling. I took another digital test right there in Walmart before I was even done shopping. This time it said PREGNANT!!!
While we were at the Super Bowl, I had some cramping and a little bit of bleeding. When I got back to Utah, I went right in and had my blood drawn. My HCG levels were only 926. I went back two days later and they hadn’t doubled yet, but they went up so they weren’t concerned. I was still cramping and had slight bleeding by the time the next week rolled around that they finally got me in for an ultrasound. On 02/18 I had my ultrasound and we saw the heart beating. It was only beating at 67 BMP, but they weren’t worried as it probably had just started to beat. Tanner got to come with me and hear his little siblings heart.
Two days ago I still was cramping and having some bleeding and I think I just knew. I went to the ER while Devin stayed home with Tan and they couldn’t find the heart beat and didn’t think it had grown since the ultrasound the week before. My levels moved up to the 7000’s, but I feel like they should have been higher at that point. That night also wasn’t a good night for grandpa. I had been crying and been really emotional anyways. I went to the ER really angry with God. I could not understand why He would take away my baby and my grandpa. Especially after just losing Jared. After the ultrasound, I felt a lot of peace. I prayed the whole way home asking for forgiveness as my feelings were not the best. I think that I knew that the baby was gone, but I still kept my doctor appointment for today.
Devin went in with me and we talked to my doctor about what had been going on. She wanted to do an ultrasound, so we did my third one and it was confirmed that our little baby was gone. I held it together until she left, and then I just broke down. All that emotion of losing the baby and then the fact that I now have to put something up my hoo haw to make it’s been a lot of information for me to take in. Devin reminded me and told me that our baby was just needed by Heavenly Father sooner than we thought, and I was able to hear their heartbeat and give them that opportunity to have a body, even if it was for only 6 small weeks.
I wanted to write it down while it was still fresh in my mind. I’ve been an open book so far and I feel like I should be open about this too. People don’t talk about miscarriage a lot. It’s hard. I am ok. I feel at peace and I don’t need pity, I just know what other moms are going through and I hope they know that I am praying for them, the same way I know they are praying for me.
Thank you! ❤️